Friday 7 May 2010

Single girls and boy scouts

Suddenly London is teeming with HOT men. Were they there all along or are my hormones getting the better of me? You never know when one might appear. So ladies, make like a boy scout and BE PREPARED!

Yes, you were nice and warm in your jeans and cardie, and I agree that trainers are much more suitable for walking the dogs but in the war against lonesome-ever-after unsuitable shoes and lipstick are your very best weapons. Oh and plasters. You'll need lots of plasters for your ruined feet.

One unfortunate side effect of full makeup at 9am was however brought home to me recently while I was road-testing a possible date outfit.

Passing (creepy) man: "Excuse me honey, do you know a place for massage or sauna?"
Me: (Seriously considering the question for a second). "Errm?!"

But then the following weekend whilst wandering the streets of hackney in search of a restorative fry-up I stumbled across just such an establishment. So next time I'll know exactly where to send him...

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