Friday, 7 May 2010

Too Much Information

Technology has A LOT to answer for. That's all I can say. Back in the day, you could pop the odd name into yahoo or whatnot and spend hours of your life scrolling through pages of absolute tosh, none of which would be related to the thing you were actually looking for. Then Google came along with it's super-duper military grade industrial search engines and, well, buh-bye anonimity.

I am suddenly just a tiny bit grateful to be literally the dullest lady in all of christendom. Google me and you get nothing. Nada. Zilch. YES I've googled myself. And so have you. Don't deny it.

The problem comes when you find yourself dating someone with data. How much information is too much information? I mean, is it wrong that on a recent first date with a man I'd never met before I already knew his entire career history, where he grew up, what his father did and who his sister was married to? Probably. But you see, I blame Google. They offer me 36,200 "results" for my beau. Am I seriously expected to resist that kind of temptation?!

In any case, I survived the date without any major slip-ups. At no point did I blurt out "yeah I know" as he told me something I couldn't possibly have known without having googled him to within an inch of his life. Nor did I respond "that is BRAND NEW INFORMATION" in a most unconvincing way. So, I guess, success! But do I feel like a mentally sub-normal, deserves-to-be-sectioned interweb stalker? Affirmative. Will that stop me from googling the time in the far-away country he's currently visiting? For the fourth time today... Of course not!

What? Like you wouldn't do it too!...

These are the facts: Dating makes you mental. And Google is the fast-track to clinically insane. ...Or prison.

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