Thursday, 13 May 2010

Dear Old Love

I came across this website where you post notes to past loves, real or unrequited and it got me thinking back over old flames. That’s not true actually – I’ve been mercilessly facebook stalking them in recent weeks anyway but dearoldlove seemed like a good way to lay some ghosts. Even if you can’t lay those old boyfriends any more.

Feel free to join in! Here are some of mine, in reverse chronological order:

Dear Old Love,

I worried I had a really low sex drive. Now I realize it was just that I didn’t find you attractive.

Dear Old Love,

For ten years I have so often thought of you with lust. Facebook has fixed that for me – man you got fat!

Dear Old Love,

You’re still hot. Once again, thank you FB.

Dear Old Love,

I can’t find you! Either you got all my crazy messages trying to find you over the years and just think I’m nuts. Or something bad has happened. I hope it’s the former.

Dear Old Love,



  1. Dear Old Love,

    It's not normal, it doesn't happen to everyone and it DOES matter!

  2. I missed one!

    Dear Old Love,

    Thank you for burning our house down so I didn't have to live with you any more.
