Thursday, 24 June 2010

Stop press!...Romance is NOT dead!!!

Okay, so before you get excited, nobody's been getting romantic with me. Obviously. But this week I have witnessed(ish) not one but TWO romantic acts. Which kind of gives you hope.  And by you, I do of course mean me. It gives ME hope.

Romantic gesture #1
I was at a concert on the weekend (very quaint in a marquee on the lawn of the village court of course). The conductor who lost his wife several years ago but now has a new partner had run the orchestra for 23 years and this was the final concert before he and his new lady move away. Half way through, the orchestra were unexpectedly handed scores to one of his partner's all-time favourite pieces of music.  While our conductor friend joked that this was to demonstrate that the orchestra sound the same sight-reading as they do practised (true in fact - I should know, I played in it for ten years!) it struck me that this man had actually written a 120-part arrangement of a piece of music his lady loves just for her. It's like the extreme version of a mix-tape. The orchestra of course massacred the piece but it's the thought that counts, right?

Romantic gesture #2
This week it was a good friend's boyfriend's birthday - his first since they've been together. So my friend emails me...
"I'm trying to decide whether to buy him cupcakes and bring them at lunch...or if that's a little crazy."
Now for me this is a no-brainer. Someone just said cupcake for goodness sake. So of course I offer mild encouragement...
"Definitely think you should get cupcakes! It's not crazy, it's EXCELLENT!!" 
Fast forward a couple of hours and I get another email which starts "So you'll get a kick out of this story..." My friend has trekked miles across town to a specific cake shop (cost - $10 cab ride), spent an age carefully selecting the cakes she thinks her boy will like best (cost - $25) and then walked four blocks just to take a bus over to his office.  My friend has to spell her boyfriend's surname about sixty-five times before the security guy eventually gets it and calls his desk. He's not there.  He tries again.  The boyfriend is still not there. So my friend explains about the birthday and the cakes and whatnot...can she leave them with security for the boyfriend to pick up whenever he comes back from wherever he is? No! It's food. You can't leave food with Security (presumably because they'll just eat it!).  Ok, well can it be delivered to his desk by the post guys? Hell no! Post guys can only deliver packages and the cakes aren't technically a package.  Finally my poor friend gives up and hot-foots it back to work (cost: $12), cakes still in hand.  

Ordinarily I'd say you can't put a price on romance but in this case...well, 47bucks!  Eeeesh...

In other acts of random gallantry...this week I watched a guy heroically fend off a killer seagull as it swooped down on his girlfriend. Okay, so the gull was mostly interested in the pasty this girl was stupid enough to be holding in plain sight (rookie mistake) but the boyfriend did still throw himself into the path of the bird.  And knocked the pasty from his girlfriend's clutches in the process! True story.

So you see, romance AND chivalry are alive and kicking.  Now, if someone would like to throw a bit of both in my general direction, that'd be lovely.

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